Friday, December 15, 2017

Where is the best place in Beverly Hills CA to get a Brazilian butt lift?

Brazilian Butt Lift
Have you ever wished you could take that unwanted fat from your stomach or back and put it in a place where extra fat is actually an asset, such as your buttocks? If you have, then a Brazilian butt lift is exactly the treatment for you, since this is essentially what this procedure does. A plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills CA can help you determine if this exceptional treatment could work for you.

Q: What does a Brazilian butt lift achieve that exercise can’t?

Regular exercise can do wonders to shape your body into a healthy figure; however, that doesn’t mean that your body will naturally conform to your ideal body image. For example, toning your muscles won’t necessarily remove all traces of your love handles or lower abdomen fat, nor will it necessarily help you achieve the perfectly rounded buttocks you desire. A Brazilian butt lift can uniquely meet all of these needs at once, giving you your desired body contours.

Q: How does a butt lift work?

Brazilian Butt Lift
A butt lift is actually a combination of a few different procedures. First, liposuction will be performed to remove excess fat from areas you wish to flatten, such as the abdomen, back, love handles, and thighs. Once this fat is removed, it is then processed in such a way that it can be placed in the buttocks. At this point in the treatment, the processed fat will then be injected into specifically targeted areas to enhance the shape of your buttocks in the way you desire.

Q: Is a Brazilian butt lift a surgical procedure?

Yes, since liposuction is a surgical treatment, a Brazilian butt lift is also considered a cosmetic surgical procedure. This means that you must discuss all the usual risks of surgery with your doctor before agreeing to the surgery and make sure that you understand all that is expected from the recovery process.

To Learn More About: Brazilian Butt Lift Beverly Hills CA   Please Visit: Dennis Dass, MD

Tags to this Page: Where is the best place in Beverly Hills CA to get a Brazilian butt lift, Plastic Surgeon Beverly Hills CA

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