The breast implant surgery is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures in Beverly Hills to improve the aesthetics of the breasts regarding size and shape. During this procedure, implants are placed in the breasts. Implants comprise soft shells made of silicone which is either filled with silicone gel or saline (salt water).
How will the surgeon position the implant?
Breast Augmentation |
Can you tell me about the post-surgery recovery?
The surgeon covers the incisions using gauze. The breasts will need to be supported using either a special bra or the surgeon may wrap them with an elastic bandage. After the breast implant surgery in Beverly Hills, the stitches may be removed within seven to ten days after the procedure. It is common to experience some level of bruising, soreness and swelling in the breasts for several days after the completion of the procedure. In some patients, a burning sensation may be felt in the nipples immediately after the surgery. Prior to undergoing the procedure, it is important for you to note that the swelling and bruising of the breasts may persist for several weeks after the placement of the implants. While you can go back to your daily routine a few days after the surgery, you must not perform any heavy lifting or strenuous exercise until your surgeon has cleared you for the same.
To Learn More About Breast Augmentation Beverly Hills, Please Visit Dennis Dass, MD
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